The Township offers backyard composters for $46.75 +HST and kitchen catchers for $3.50 + HST, available at the Township Office. Putting garden and kitchen material in a compost bin removes these materials from curbside waste collection and saves landfill space. A good composting technique is to build a compost pile in layers of 'greens' and 'browns'.
Separating Compost Materials:
"Greens" - Nitrogen Rich Materials
- Kitchen scraps including vegetables and fruit scraps, crushed egg shells, tea bags, coffee grounds with filters and paper towels
- Garden and yard materials
- Grass clippings - or leave this natural fertilizer on the lawn
"Browns" - Carbon Rich Materials
- Dry leaves
- Bread, pasta and rice
- Sawdust and shavings
- Finely ground wood chips
- Well shredded paper
- Shredded egg cartons and cardboard
Items that cannot go into the Composter:
- Pet manure or litter
- Weeds that have gone to seed
- Any diseased plants
- Meat, fish, fowl or the bones
- Fats or oils, dairy products, eggs, peanut butter, and salad dressings
- Ash, sawdust or shavings from chemically treated or painted wood