Land Use Planning
Municipal land use planning services are provided by both the Township of Malahide and the County of Elgin as follows:
The Township of Malahide Development Services staff provides professional land use planning advice to Malahide Council, committees of Council, the development community and the general public on a wide variety of development and policy related matters.
Development Services staff are available to guide and assist land owners with development and future building proposals and are responsible for looking after related documents such as the Township of Malahide Official Plan and Zoning By-Law. Staff are also responsible for the delivery of the following Township services as mandated under the Ontario Planning Act:
- Review of planning applications for compliance with Provincial Policy Statement, Official Plans and Zoning By-laws;
- Consult with the public and stakeholders and offer advice on planning and development proposals;
- Preparing Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments;
- Review of site plan applications; and,
- Review of subdivision and land severance applications.
The County of Elgin Planning Department advises County of Elgin Council on all planning matters. In addition County planning staff provides resources and information to local Municipalities, including the Township of Malahide. The County's Planning Department is not engaged in local planning activities except as a commenting agency and as the Approval Authority for Official Plans and Plans of Subdivision/Condominium.
Consultation Process
If you are planning a new construction or development project, or renovating your home or property, you should consult early with Township Development Services staff to determine whether you will require any approvals under the Planning Act, and how such approvals can best be obtained.
Early consultation will help to avoid delays and will identify any supporting documentation that may be required to support your proposal. Consultation with Development Services staff is strongly encouraged prior to submitting any planning application. Please contact the Township's Development Services Technician/Assistant Planner to arrange.
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