Welcome to the East Elgin Mapping Service - Interactive Mapping Application.
This site provides access to a broad range of land related information in the form of data and maps. Interactive mapping allows you to zoom right in to a property, or view the whole Malahide, Bayham and Aylmer at once. It provides the ability to turn layers of information on/off, measure distances and areas, generate a legend, and print your own customized maps. Information presented on this site is gathered from many sources.
The East Elgin Mapping Service Disclaimer and Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as ''EEMS'') provides this application and the information available within it as a reference only and has not customized the information (hereinafter referred to as the ''Site Products'') for any specific purpose. The Site Products were generated from Geographic Information System (GIS) data maintained by different sources.
Some limitations may apply based upon restrictions imposed by other sources. To reference specific sources of information, please inquire using the details at the bottom of this text. Areas depicted by the Site Products are approximate, and are not necessarily accurate to mapping, surveying, or engineering standards. The Site Products are for illustration purposes only, may not be suitable for parcel specific decision making, are subject to constant changes, and may not be complete, accurate or current. The Site Products are not a legal survey. Any specific map coordinates may be in error by several metres or more. A digital map layer may have registration errors and not overlay with other map layers correctly.
The EEMS reserves the right to change, restrict, or discontinue access to the Site Products at any time. For the complete disclaimer, see above link.
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