An Official Plan is a document in which policies for the planning and development of the municipality are described. An Official Plan should not be regarded as a static or inflexible document, but rather one that is expected to change over time to evolving economic, social and environmental changes.

There are two Official Plans that apply to lands within the Township of Malahide:

Township of Malahide Official Plan

The Township of Malahide Official Plan contains the Council's objectives and policies to guide the short-term and long-term physical development of all lands within the Township. The Official Plan seeks to create a balance between economic prosperity, community vitality, agricultural sustainability, environmental responsibility and infrastructure sustainability.

 Official Plan 
 Official Plan Office Consolidation - January 2023 
Malahide Official Plan Schedules 


The Township's Development Services Coordinator can also assist with the Township of Malahide Official Plan as it applies to your property.  

County of Elgin Official Plan

The County of Elgin Official Plan also applies to all lands within the Township. The County Official Plan is available for review on the County website here.

The Citizens' Guide - Official Plans by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing provides more information.



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