The Township of Malahide is currently finalizing its review and update of its Strategic Plan.  Why does the Township of Malahide need a Strategic Plan? A Strategic Plan sets direction for the short and long term based on feedback gathered from Council, Staff, and the community. 

Having a Strategic Plan allows the Township to:

  • Strive towards mutually agreed upon goals

  • Compare work against agreed-upon benchmarks over several years

  • Show accountability to community members and stakeholders

Description, Opportunities for Input, Updates


Stage 1: Community Survey – June 2023 

A Community Survey will be launched on June 7th available until July 10th. The survey will be promoted via the Township website, social media, local papers and various community events and locations.  This phase of engagement will enable Council to collect information on what matters most to residents and businesses in Malahide.


Phase 2:  Survey Results Analysis - July 2023

The input provided through the survey will be analyzed by research specialists to extract key themes and trends among all answers. The analysis phase will help design the specific details on the next steps in the strategic planning process. The first set of results will also determine if there is a sufficient level of responses or if more outreach and more responses are needed. 


Phase 3: Town Hall Meetings – September 2023 

Using the results from the survey, specific topics and questions needing further public input will be identified. Members of the public will be invited to discuss these topics at various town hall meetings, organized at different times, dates and locations to facilitate access. Delegations from individuals, advocacy, interest-based, community groups, and businesses will also be invited.


Phase 4:  Deliberations and Draft Plan - October 2023

After the survey and the town hall meetings are completed, Council and Senior Township staff will participate in a series of facilitated workshops to “digest” all the input received and combine it with all other guiding documents such as the Provincial Planning Statement and other provincial directives and regulations, as well as local plans and policies (e.g. Elgin County Official Plan, Malahide Official Plan, Transportation Master Plan, Recreational Master Plan…).


The deliberations will yield a first draft of the Malahide 2023 – 2033 strategic plan.


Phase 5:  Draft Plan Validation Survey - November 2023 (Current Stage)

The draft strategic plan will be shared with the Malahide community to invite comments on its clarity and alignment with the public’s priorities and values.


Phase 6:  Final Strategic Plan and Implementation Plan - December 2023

Council and senior Township staff will participate in one more facilitated workshop to discuss the results of the validation survey, finalize the plan, and develop an implementation plan. The implementation plan will include clear, measurable outcomes, and will include how the plan will be communicated and progress will be reported.  


What is a Strategic Plan?

A Strategic Plan serves as a framework to guide Council and staff in their decision-making process. More specifically, the Strategic Plan is a high-level document which identifies a long-term vision and communicates a set of values, goals, and priorities guided by community input. The document becomes a tool that Council uses to provide direction to Staff.

The strategic plan is then used by Staff to develop multi-year operational plans and budgets that align with Council’s direction.

How can I be part of the process?

Malahide’s strategic planning process will include three points of input:

 -> SURVEY. An online survey will be available between June 7 to June 28. See Phase 1 for more details. Paper copies of this survey are available at Malahide Township Office - 87 John St. S. Aylmer and at Springfield Library - 12105 Whittaker Road. Completed surveys can be returned to either of these locations. 

-> TOWN HALL MEETINGS. Community meetings will be held in September 2023. See Phase 3 above for more details. Visit this page regularly or watch for ads in local papers and social media for updates on locations, times and dates.


->DRAFT SURVEY FEEDBACK. Community input will be needed on the first draft of the Strategic Plan. See Phase 5 for details.

How is success measured?

The Strategic Plan document will include a set of measurable outcomes determined by Council. Senior Staff will also develop operational plans that identify annual targets and milestones to achieve. These outcomes, targets and milestones will help Council and Staff monitor and report on progress.  Updates will be provided to Council and the community regularly.  


Can the plan change before 2033?

Plans are not set in stone because so much can change, sometimes quickly and unexpectedly. Provincial policies, directives and regulations may shift partly through the plan, along with technological, societal, environmental or economic pressures. This is not to mention global or local emergencies that can arise at any time. All of these could cause the Township to adjust its course. However, the only way you can change a plan is if you have one!

Council and staff will continuously monitor all external forces that impact the business of the Township and will assess the Strategic Plan’s alignment with the environment on an annual basis. Adjustments will be made to the Plan when warranted by significant, unexpected shifts.

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